Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Plovdiv Art

The Red Pony Art Gallery, established by Atanas Krastev in 1989 is the first private art gallery in Bulgaria. For the last 20 years the gallery has often been a kind host of the art exhibitions and numerous Bulgarian and foreign artists. In 1969 Atanas Krastev organized the Ancient Plovdiv Association and till 1986 he managed, restored and developed the Ancient Plovdiv Architectural and Historic Reserve.

The Gallery of Association of the Plovdiv Painters was built in 1975 and is the biggest in the town. It is situated on 400 m² and has a lantern-light (Oberlicht). It is managed by a private association of professional Plovdiv painters. There is always free entrance for the exhibitions organized in the gallery.
Representative Permanent Exposition
The exposition is located in the building of the High Scholl for Young Girls, built in 1881 after the design of architect Josif Schnitter. It represents the result of the four-year work of a highly qualified art experts’ team. It includes more than 200 original works of art that follow out the development of Bulgarian fine art from the time of the National revival to the present day.

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